Learn About the Weirdest Fashion Trends in History
It is important for people to note that one of the most discussed issues around the globe is that of fashion and there are fashions of different generations. It is important for us to ask ourselves what would be the opinions of the generations of people who were before us or who are to come about our fashion. It is important to note that the history of people has been coupled by both good as well as bad fashion trends. Highlighting some of the weird fashion trends that existed in the history of people is the main objective of this article. Since the fashion trends are no longer in use, it is important for people to note that there should be no cause of worry.It is advisable that people do not try to bring back any of this fashion trends.
One of the weird forms of fashion is that of the black teeth. It is important to note that this form of fashion was used during the edo period in Japan.The fashion trend entailed that of people painting their teeth black as the Japanese attached worth on black items. It is important to note that the substance that was used in painting the teeth black was sourced by dissolving iron fillings with vinegar.It is important for people to note that this form of fashion stayed for a very long duration of time.Evidence on this fashion has been found by archeologists on the remains of skeletons.
The other very weird form of fashion that has ever been used in the history of people is that of wearing the lotus shoe. It is worth noting that thee period when the lotus shoes were worn is that of the nineteenth century.It was a form of fashion that was worn by the Chinese women when wanted to have their feet bound as feet binding was a source of prestige at that time in China.
The other example of a weird fashion trend is that of the crackowes. It is important for people to note that the crackowes fashion was born in the capital of Poland and was used in the twelfth to the fifteenth centuries.
The powdered wigs as well as hair pieces are other examples of the other very weird trends in fashion.The powdered wigs were very much worn by men in Europe.It is worth noting that the men would then apply powder on the wigs so that the wigs would keep on smelling nice.