My Experience With Edibles: An amusing relationship

The first time I tried cannabis I opted for the infamous pot brownie. An alien with good intentions informed me of the impact of this product. Therefore, I only took a little piece. Nonetheless this product did not affect me, and I didn’t bother eating some more that evening. It occurred to me that maybe the brownie was not a pot brownie but a regular one or I was insusceptible to cannabis.

A few of months later, in an attempt to learn more about marijuana, I tried my second edible with the same thoughts in mind thinking that was It wouldn’t affect me. Everybody else would be high except me. Nonetheless this is not what happened, I got extremely high.
Honestly I was terrified of smoking, so I preferred food which felt safer and healthier though it’s ironic to think of cookies as healthy given the amount of sugar they contain. I spent the months that followed trying to learn more about this product. Being high was an intriguing experience for me.

When my partner and I began seeing each other we took an edible together. I can clearly recall the chocolate bar wrapping and its taste on my tongue. The previous night we had each taken a small piece which had little effect thus I slept well. The next afternoon we ate the remaining piece of the chocolate bar and went for a hike.

We got high as we had never done before. The effects of the marijuana lasted for about fourteen hours. The feeling was exhilarating, it was like we were connected to nature. Later we watched a Harry Potter movie which had us in tears when we thought about of the trauma all the characters had to undergo at a tender age of eleven years.

We were locked within our minds and bodies and fourteen hours were like fourteen days. Locked within our minds we felt separated but also connected, frightened but also excited and out of control but also oddly with a sense of control. The fourteen hours were like a lifetime.

I will never forget that day. It was one of the last times we took edibles. With time I started smoking and got used to it. I became fascinated by the culture of growing, storing and maintaining marijuana. It is said that bhang has the most extended lifespan when stored properly. I say the effect of this product will be felt for the longest time if you take a pot brownie.